Toss Out This Daily Dental Tool Every Few Months

Toss Out This Daily Dental Tool Every Few Months

Taking care of your teeth and your family's dental care can seem like a full-time job. With all the tasks we performed every day, it can be tough to monitor how often we replace this important dental tool. It is important that you toss out your toothbrush about every...

How Braces Can Help Improve Your Child’s Breathing

How Braces Can Help Improve Your Child’s Breathing

When you think about braces for your children you likely think that the only reason that you are paying for this expensive mouth piece is because they will help to straighten your child’s teeth. However, orthodontics can go further than just helping your kids teeth...

How Long Do I need A Retainer After Braces?

How Long Do I need A Retainer After Braces?

If you have recently had any type of orthodontic treatment, it is quite common and very important to wear a retainer once your braces are removed. Since the teeth continue to move throughout your life, supporting them after your orthodontic treatment will help them...

The Easiest Way To Have Healthier Teeth

The Easiest Way To Have Healthier Teeth

So you are looking to get dental care work done but you're like most people and have no idea where to look. Don't worry, that is why there are great articles such as these that are packed with helpful tips. Read on for excellent advice on how to find the right dental...

The Difference Between Metal Braces vs Clear Braces

The Difference Between Metal Braces vs Clear Braces

In the past if you needed braces, metal was the only option. However, with more and more adults requesting orthodontic treatment, clear braces have become more popular. For those who want a more discreet look for their orthodontic treatment, clear braces are much less...

What Does a Straighter Smile Really Mean?

What Does a Straighter Smile Really Mean?

Getting braces or Invisalign clear aligners from Advanced Orthodontic Center will give you a straighter smile, but what does a straighter smile give you? Here’s what a straight smile can mean for you and your life. More Smiles, More Often If you’re the type of person...

Foods You CAN Have with Invisalign

Foods You CAN Have with Invisalign

With traditional metal braces, there are a large number of foods that you are advised to avoid so that you don’t damage your brackets or end up with odd stains on your teeth. But with Invisalign clear aligners, you can eat and drink anything that you want! Here are...

Benefits of Clear Aligners Like Invisalign

Benefits of Clear Aligners Like Invisalign

Our patients love using Invisalign for their teeth straightening. Here are a few of the reasons why! They can eat whatever they want. With traditional metal braces, you have to be careful not to eat foods that will stain your teeth or damage the metal brackets that...

Do I Need to Fix My Teeth?

Do I Need to Fix My Teeth?

When your teeth are not “perfectly” straight, some orthodontists might push you to get braces or clear aligners like Invisalign to fix your teeth. But how do you know if you really ought to get orthodontia to straighten your teeth or if you should leave your teeth the...

How Can I Care for My Retainer?

How Can I Care for My Retainer?

After orthodontic treatments are over, many patients are given removable retainers to keep their smiles straight. Removable retainers are an important part of the orthodontic treatment because they will maintain what was so hardly fought and won: your smile. After all...

The Best Age Group for Invisalign Clear Aligners

The Best Age Group for Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign is a clear aligner that serves as a viable alternative to traditional braces for many people. The benefits include less restrictions on food, no poking wires or painful brackets rubbing on your cheeks, and a less noticeable appearance when worn. Many...

The Efficacy of Thumb Cribs: Stop Your Child’s Thumb Sucking Habit

The Efficacy of Thumb Cribs: Stop Your Child’s Thumb Sucking Habit

Children will suck their thumbs as infants and toddlers for the comfort and pleasure they derive from it. This is natural in early development, but once they are 5 or 6 years of age, the habit of thumb sucking can cause shifting of the teeth or jaw that could result...