Do I Need to Fix My Teeth?

Cosmetic Dentistry

When your teeth are not “perfectly” straight, some orthodontists might push you to get braces or clear aligners like Invisalign to fix your teeth. But how do you know if you really ought to get orthodontia to straighten your teeth or if you should leave your teeth the way that they are?

Here are a few signs that you should get orthodontic work done on your teeth:

  1. Your bite is uncomfortable. – Crooked teeth can rub against your mouth or make it hard to bite all the way down when chewing, so any discomfort is a good reason to fix your teeth with braces or clear aligners, depending on the recommendations of your orthodontist.
  2. You are embarrassed to show your smile. – If you have a cosmetic flaw in your teeth that makes you embarrassed to show your smile, then you should get orthodontic work done. The confidence that comes with a smile you’re proud of is important. This works backwards too, because if you’re already satisfied and confident despite having a non-standard smile then you don’t need braces.

Getting orthodontic work is a personal decision, but if you need help to decide, contact the experts at Advanced Orthodontic Center today.


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