How Braces Can Help Improve Your Child’s Breathing


When you think about braces for your children you likely think that the only reason that you are paying for this expensive mouth piece is because they will help to straighten your child’s teeth. However, orthodontics can go further than just helping your kids teeth form straighter. In addition, braces can also help improve your child’s breathing.

Crooked teeth are often a sign of a bigger issue, which is soft tissue dysfunction. Soft tissue dysfunction affects the tongue, mouth breathing, snoring, and other poor oral habits. This includes affecting the airways and breathing patterns. These are all things that you should be looking for in your child.

When the teeth are not properly aligned it can cause improper tongue position and lead to a decrease in the function of the jaw. This can affect facial form and airways. If you notice your kid snoring, or breathing through their mouth during the day, encourage nose breathing and consider meeting with a dentist or orthodontist. Early intervention can help your child look, breathe, and function better. Braces are not just for making the teeth straighter as they can help with overall oral health as well.


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