If you are someone who recently got their braces or Invisalign taken off and your teeth-straightening treatment is complete, then it is time for a custom retainer to be made for your teeth to stay straight. Custom dental retainers are usually made by taking a mold of your teeth immediately after your braces or Invisalign are removed so that the mold for the retainer reflects the position of your teeth at their straightest. Once the custom retainer is made from the mold your orthodontist takes from your mouth, it is given to you to wear all day and every day (except for when you’re eating) for at least a few years until you can switch to only wearing the retainer at night. In the long-term, most orthodontists recommend that patients wear their custom dental retainers for at least a few hours a day for the rest of their lives.
So, you may be wondering if retainers last so long, what is the best way to take care of them? If you just got your brand new smile and you’re wondering about this, then you’ve come to the right place for those answers…
How to take care of your retainer
- Clean your retainer after each use with soap and water (don’t boil your retainer to clean it because heat can cause the retainer to become misshapen and no longer fit your mouth)
- Wear the retainer often enough so that it does not become too tight for your teeth and mouth
- Keep your retainer in a safe place where it won’t get lost, keep it away from pets, and don’t wrap it in napkins because it can get mistakenly thrown away by you or someone else
- Replace your retainer if it becomes damaged, misshapen, or lost
- Brushing your teeth before putting your retainer back on each time you take it out, soaking your retainer in cleaner, and bringing your retainer back to your orthodontist for them to clean it are all good tips
Keeping your retainer in good shape is necessary to maintain your newly straight smile. If you have any questions, please contact us!
Call Us at 949.855.2060