5 Reasons Why Custom Sports Mouthguards Are Crucial for Athletes


Enhancing Safety and Performance in Sports

For athletes across all levels, the importance of wearing a custom sports mouthguard cannot be overstated. At Advanced Orthodontic Center, we specialize in creating custom sports mouthguards that offer superior protection and comfort compared to over-the-counter options. Here are five compelling reasons why every athlete should consider a custom mouthguard as part of their essential gear.

1. Optimal Protection Against Dental Injuries

Custom mouthguards are specifically designed to fit the unique contours of your mouth, providing optimal protection against common dental injuries in sports. These injuries can range from broken teeth and lacerations to the mouth to more severe cases like jaw fractures. The precise fit of a custom mouthguard helps absorb and distribute the impact energy more effectively, significantly reducing the risk of trauma.

2. Improved Comfort and Fit

One of the primary benefits of opting for a custom mouthguard is the enhanced comfort and fit it offers. Unlike generic mouthguards that can be bulky and uncomfortable, custom mouthguards are made using precise molds of your teeth. This not only ensures they stay securely in place during intense activity but also makes them more comfortable to wear, encouraging consistent use.

3. Minimal Interference with Breathing and Speaking

Athletes need to communicate constantly during games and practices, and custom mouthguards are designed to interfere minimally with speech. Additionally, they allow for better airflow, which is crucial during high-exertion sports. This minimal interference with breathing and speaking can significantly enhance performance and stamina.

4. Long-Term Cost Savings

While custom mouthguards may initially cost more than their off-the-shelf counterparts, they can offer significant cost savings in the long run. By providing better protection, custom mouthguards reduce the likelihood of expensive dental treatments that result from sports-related injuries. Additionally, their durability means they need to be replaced less frequently.

5. Confidence Boost in Competitive Settings

Wearing a mouthguard that fits well and feels comfortable can also give athletes a psychological boost. Knowing they are well-protected, athletes can focus better on their performance without the distraction or worry of potential injuries.

Schedule Your Custom Mouthguard Fitting

Every athlete deserves the best protection available, which is why we recommend visiting Advanced Orthodontic Center to learn more about our custom mouthguards. Whether you’re playing contact sports like football and hockey or engaging in non-contact activities where accidents can still happen, a custom mouthguard is your best defense against sports-related dental injuries. Visit our contact page today to schedule your fitting and ensure you’re fully protected for your next game.