Which Is Better: Braces Or Invisalign?

Braces, Invisalign


Braces usually need to stay on the patient’s teeth for anywhere between a year and a half to 3 years. The process for the patient’s teeth to become straight doesn’t take as long as it would with Invisalign because the braces stay on 24/7 and can align teeth much quicker overall… making them best for patients with more complex dental issues.

Cleaning your teeth with braces can get a bit difficult. Because the metal on the teeth does not come off, cleaning and flossing your teeth every morning and night is essential to prevent plaque from building up around the brackets causing staining or decay.

Another effect of metal braces not having the ability to be removed is that certain foods will be unadvised to eat during the duration of your treatment. Sticky and hard foods like gum or chips can cause your brackets to break off or a wire can become loose. Softer foods are recommended to keep your teeth and the braces intact so that the teeth continue to stay in place.

Braces are usually more affordable than Invisalign, but the total cost will depend on how long they’re on the patient. 

Lastly, the comfort level and aesthetic of braces are usually less desirable for many patients because they’re easily visible and can cause sores in the mouth.


It is common for the treatment of Invisalign on patients who need it to only last between 6 to 18 months if the aligner is worn almost all day besides when the patient is eating.

Invisalign aligners are pretty simple to clean. All you need to do is brush them with warm water every morning, night, and before you put them back in your mouth after eating.

There are no food precautions that need to be taken when you have Invisalign because they can always be removed before eating. Invisalign is usually more expensive than traditional braces.

Lastly, the comfort level and aesthetic of Invisalign is usually more desirable because they’re clear and made out of plastic that doesn’t irritate the mouth.

Which is better?

To sum it up, neither is necessarily better or worse by default. It all depends on what is right for the individual and what they care most about. In the end, either option will leave you with a beautiful straight smile.


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