Why Thumb Sucking Is Bad for Your Child’s Teeth

Dental Care, Thumb Sucking

Is Thumb Sucking Bad for Teeth?

Thumb sucking is not always “bad” as it does not always cause tooth or oral harm. Passively holding the thumb in the mouth, for example, is unlikely to cause harm. Active thumb sucking with a lot of motion, on the other hand, can cause damage to primary (baby) teeth, which normally corrects itself as the permanent teeth grow in. This action can sometimes cause misalignment of your child’s permanent teeth, as well as damage the jaw or the form and roof of the mouth. It can also expose your infant to bacteria, viruses, and filth.


A study published in Pediatrics discovered that children who sucked their thumbs were less likely to have allergic reactions to pollen and dust mites later in life. So, selecting when, or even if, to prevent thumb sucking depends on a variety of factors.


Thumb Sucking’s Long-Term Consequences on the Mouth


Thumb sucking can have a variety of impacts on the teeth and mouth. This is due to the repetitive pressure exerted by the thumb and sucking on the teeth, jawbone, and roof of the mouth. It could result in any of the following:

  • overbite, a condition in which the front teeth protrude from the jaw and mouth.
  • other bite problems, such as bottom teeth sliding inward toward the back of the mouth or an open bite, in which the top and bottom teeth do not contact when the mouth is closed
  • alterations in jaw form, which can impact tooth alignment and speech patterns, such as the development of a lisp
  • sensitivity of the tongue’s roof


Most of these problems will be resolved or will not arise at all if thumb sucking is reduced by the time the permanent teeth arrive. Children who suck their thumb for an extended period of time and continue sucking their thumb vigorously may be at a higher risk for these negative effects. If your child has negative impact from their thumbsucking habit and you are noticing “bad” or negative affects on their teeth, contact us for a consultation. We at Advanced Orthodontic Center can help guide your correction journey.


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