Things That Damage Your Teeth

Taking care of your teeth is essential for maintaining a healthy and radiant smile. However, certain habits and factors can contribute to tooth damage if not addressed. Here are some common things that can harm your teeth: Poor Oral Hygiene Inadequate brushing and...

How To Clean Retainers

Retainers are a crucial tool to maintain the alignment of your teeth after orthodontic treatment. However, like any other dental appliance, can accumulate plaque, bacteria, and food debris over time, making them smelly, unhygienic, and prone to bacterial infections....

Benefits Of Dental Retainers: What You Need To Know

Dental retainers are an absolute essential if you are someone who has had braces or Invisalign in the past. Following the completion of treatment of your braces or Invisalign, your orthodontist will make a custom dental retainer for you to wear. For the first year...

Why Thumb Sucking Is Bad for Your Child’s Teeth

Is Thumb Sucking Bad for Teeth? Thumb sucking is not always “bad” as it does not always cause tooth or oral harm. Passively holding the thumb in the mouth, for example, is unlikely to cause harm. Active thumb sucking with a lot of motion, on the other...

Impress Your Dentist With These Dental Care Tips

Taking proper care of the teeth and gums is something that everyone really needs to do, but not everyone actually does. In order to grasp the very best methods of maintaining good dental health, a bit of research and knowledge is essential. To find an affordable...